The CIA Wall of Honor has stars representing agents killed on duty. Named stars are used where information is not classified, and anonymous stars are used when the agent's name cannot be released. Below the stars is a chronological Book of Honor. An anonymous star was added to the wall between named stars that can be dated to deaths on February 5, 2003 and October 25, 2003. The anonymous star thus fits the timing of the Plame leak. Wayne Madsen, a reporter and former NSA employee, has claimed, "CIA sources report that at least one anonymous star placed on the CIA's Wall of Honor at its Langley, Virginia headquarters is a clandestine agent who was executed in a hostile foreign nation as a direct result of the White House leak."Institucionalmente hablando las instancias burocráticas de los EEUU están en pie de guerra. Podrá la CIA salirse del cascarón que dejo padre George Bush para salir como una institución de prestigio otra vez? Esa es la pregunta. Bush Inc ha creado una telearaña que involucra demasiados actores tanto nacional como internacionalmente.
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